Friday, November 23, 2012


Life is full of decisions. You can pick if you want to look at things on the good side, or the bad side. I could write a post about my morning today, which wasn't so awesome. But instead I think I will write about what an amazing day I had yesterday. I personally think that is a slightly more interesting subject. Plus, I got to see the most beautiful sunset ever, and I think I feel like bragging about it. ;)

I didn't have to go to school yesterday, due to the fact that I went to see Footloose in a slightly not nearby city. Footloose was pretty good. More enjoyable was the food I spent the day eating.

My Thanksgiving dinner! :)

My friend Larisa let me copy some of my country songs onto her phone, so that we could listen to them together on the bus ride, and so I'd have music that I love to listen to. Her favorite was "Cleaning that gun" which is a really good song. In Cosenza, the town with the theater, I saw Tom, one of the Australian boys who I met awhile ago. I went and talked to him, it was cool catching up.

We went shopping. It was a pretty nice mall. I guess. Shopping can be kinda boring sometimes, but they had a food court, so I was happy! :) On the way home as we were weaving alone the mountain side, on the cliff hanging over the sea, I got to watch the beautiful sunset. As the sun was going down, I did a lot of thinking. I don't know exactly how to express it through words. But I can't believe how I ended up here. It's so incredible to me. I am so incredibly blessed to be able to experience this.

I hope that everyone had as wonderful of a Thanksgiving as I did.

Ohh and I might be switching classes at school, but I'm not sure. We'll see what happens!

Today I said goodbye to my friend Jacqui. She's been such a great friend to me. When I feel homesick or down she reminds me that it'll get better, and that I just gotta be tough and it takes time.

 My delicious Gelato of the day. :) Did I mention about a week ago I asked one of the workers at the gelato place to marry me? I think it was a yes, but I'm not sure.
 Tonight's sunset.
 I like scenery pictures.

My mountain!!!! :)

Jacqui and me!!!! We've already made plans to visit each other's countries in the future. I saved this picture for last because it's the most special.

Wait.. one more thing. If my grandma reads this, which I think she will. I looked at the stars tonight, remember we're looking at the same ones! We aren't so far away. I love you grandma!

1 comment:

  1. My dearest friend Louisa,
    you always put up the most lovely pictures! I enjoy seeing them so much! I'm glad you're having a great time! :)
    Love love love,
    Alysa <3 xx :)
